My husband and I adopted Mia from the pound. We were told she was a lab/terrier mix. She was about 3 months old when we adopted her. When we first got her home, see seemed happy, but would pee constantly, and we would take her out often, sometimes every 30 minutes, and she still would do this. We tried to kennel her, and she screamed and barked at the top of her voice for what seemed like hours and would not stop. That first night she finally calmed down and in the morning her kennel was a mess–she had peed and pooped all over her kennel, and she was a mess. From then on we put the kennel up and had her in our kitchen only, and she was better, did not cry or whine, but she continued to pee continually. We went through large amounts of paper towels, and we could tell that Mia was not happy at what she was doing, but we were at a loss as to how to help her. What a blessing that Meg told us about Chance. With only one day with working with Mia, we began to see a different dog. She was still peeing a lot in our kitchen, but she seemed calmer. After Chance worked with her at his place and she returned home, we definitely have a different dog now. She is crate trained, no peeing or even cowering down, she will come when we call her, will sit when we ask her too, and is so obedient, calm, and always wagging her tail. It is like day and night–the difference we see in her. There are no words to thank Chance for what he did for Mia and for us. He is so skilled at what he does, and this island is blessed to have Chance here.
Bobbie and Mike Pharo, Waimea/Kamuela